Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Thoracic Type: "The Thriller" - Emotional and Social Makeup

Due to the rapidity of the blood circulation in Thoracics, they tend to always be warmer than others. The majority of the bathers at the beach in the summer are largely of this type.

Because the Thoracic’s acute physical senses and thin, sensitive skin, and his instantaneous quickness make him have nerves as taut as a violin string, he is known as “high-strung.” Due to this the Thoracic is the most temperamental of all of the types.

His temper is extremely quick and he is often known to be “flying off the hand,” and “going up in the air.” Other types are temperamental too, but not as often or as short notice as this type. Unlike the Alimentive, who will avoid you if he disagrees with you, the Thoracic will tell you in a few hot words just what he thinks of you, without sugarcoating anything. However, the chances are high that in only a few hours after that bickering the Thoracic will be over whatever made him angry and will invite you out with him.  

Thoracic’s are constantly – consciously and unconsciously – performing in a sense. He is extremely fascinating since he expresses his feelings with more or less abandon all the time and it is common for him to express as many as a dozen or more different tones in short spans of time.

The Thoracic desires the most out of all types to be admired and envied. He will do anything to get what he wants:  

The Thoracic is capable of putting himself in the role of another and feeling as the other feels. It is natural for the Thoracic to act and become another person. One of the Thoracic’s desires is to be in the lime-light. While other people dream of fame the Thoracic “practices, ploughs and pleads his way to it.” The type most often found in movies and on stages singing and acting are the Thoracics.
The physical makeup of the Thoracic – the high chest, large lungs, sounding boards in his large nose section, and his unusual vocal cords – makes him the most common type amongst singers.

After long study and acquaintance you may be able to put yourself in the place of a few friends. The  Thoracic does this instantly and automatically.
Due to the Thoracic’s keen eye sight for color and texture, they are generally the best dressed or the most stylish. Since the Thoracic desires the approval of others and knows that clothes don’t make the man but they can unmake him, he looks to succeed in attire. Because clothing is a big part of a first impression we give on strangers and because first impressions are hard to change, clothes are of high importance to this type. Thoracic’s tend to be more sensitive to others attitudes because others attitudes are more vital to his self-expression.  In his younger years the Thoracic’s learn that clothes can aid or thwart the opinions of others on him and can better help express his personality.
This type tends to get the most out of everything since they receive more sensations out of every single incident than the rest of the human race does. He experiences more joy than any other type in the span of a lifetime, but also more disappointment.
The Thoracic’s “lightning-like liveliness of face, body and voice,” and his quick answers and on the spot reactions to everything  cause him to be labeled as “flighty.”

Because the Thoracic does things too quickly before he can think about the elements of the situation he tends to feel a great deal of unhappiness and failure. His senses encourage him that something should be done and he rushes to do these actions that he realizes are ill-advised when he has a moment to think them over. He then rushes to right his mistakes and in the process finds himself being called “changeable” and “vacillating.”

We are prone to judge every one by ourselves. People whose mental or physical senses are less "keyed-up," less sensitive, call the Thoracic "rattle-brained."Usually such a man's brain is not rattled at all; it is working, as all brains do in response to the messages reaching it, via the telegraph wires of the five senses. In the Thoracic these wires happen to be more taut than in the other types. He gets sensations from sights, sounds, tastes, touches and smells much more quickly than the rest of us do. These messages are sent to the brain more rapidly and, since sensation is responsible for much of our thinking, this man's brain thinks a little more speedily than that of other types.

Thoracic’s are always a wee bit excited about something. Everything around him sends him into a momentary adventure. He hates unchanging environments and finds monotony practically unbearable.

This type finds something interesting in everybody. Unlike every other type the Thoracic shares his most interesting thoughts and sides of themselves with the world which keeps people intrigued by this type. Since people, no matter what personality, tend to be more interested in the “real individual” than the one in masks, this type is usually much sought after.

The Thoracic is not secretive about his plans at all. He will tell even his newest acquaintance what he is planning to do and how he expects to do it. The Thoracic gains many friends bye his obvious openness and capacity for seeing the interesting details in little things that others tend to overlook.

The Thoracic is a charming conversationalist and tells beautiful stories with colorful, vivid words and phrases. Speaking comes easily to this type and they thrive in public gatherings. People tend to love the Thoracic people because humans are attracted to those who are spontaneous, and spontaneous is the Thoracic’s middle name.

Thoracic’s are incessant talkers, and sometimes it can get annoying; but their long stories are so interesting that even though we might be annoyed that they won’t shush up, we find ourselves extremely engaged in what they’re saying.

A trait that is the most natural to the Thoracic type is seeing the funny side of everything. The reason behind
this is that they live by “the psychological fact that nothing is truly humorous save what is slightly ‘out of plum.’” Everything can be seen as funny if you look from the right angle, and the Thoracic always seems to find this angle, no matter how serious the situation.

Because of the Thoracic’s quick reaction to all events he is easily excited, yet easily calmed. Thoracic’s recover the fastest and most complete, from all of their moods, than the other types. Due to his quick reactions and acting upon emotion, Thoracic’s often feel sorry immediately after they act on their emotions.

Adventures and romance always interest this type. Thoracic’s live for adrenaline rushes and thrills. They are generally the type of people that jump out of airplanes, do deep-sea diving, and race cars. There need for adventure leaves the Thoracic easily tired by sameness:

The Thoracic likes people who are responsive, like himself. Anyone who is less expressive than him, he sees them as “stiff, formal or dull.” He admires people like himself who listen to him and are responsive listeners yet respect him not to interrupt his stream of stories. The Thoracic avoids people who seem dead, stolid, indifferent or cold. He has very little patience with these kinds of people because he doesn’t understand why they wouldn’t want to be like him.

Just like everything in the Thoracic’s life, the diseases he is most susceptible to are acute ones that come and go quickly. The Thoracic hardly ever has any sort of chronic ailment.

The Thoracic type works best in jobs that allow freedom of movement, that are full of rapid changes, and give much variety. Ceaseless change is demanded by their very nature. Meeting new people and conversing are strengths and hobbies of this type. Jobs they excel in are: advertising, publicity work, salesmanship, and reception experts in large businesses where a special person meets the public.

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <http://www.scribd.com/doc/41132983/Analyze-People-on-Sight-eBook>
Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html>.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Thoracic Type: “The Thriller” – Physical Makeup

Image via scribd.com
Thoracics are individuals in whom their circulatory system (heart, arteries and blood vessels) and the respiratory system (lungs, nose and chest) are more highly developed than any of the other system in their body.  
This type generally has a florid face (red face) and a high chest. The red face – or high color- comes because of the well developed circulatory system since it is caused by the rapid pumping of blood to the tiny blood vessels of the face.
The slightest displeasure, enjoyment, surprise or exertion, bring the blood rushing to the face and neck of Thoracics. The largest part of the Thoracic’s body is around the chest due to the size of the lungs which are larger than average.
Thoracics tend to have the longest waists out of the five types because extra room is required by the larger lungs and heart.

Image via scribd.com
A significant characteristic of the Throacic is a high head, which is considered to be the handsomest head known. The head screams out nobility and intelligence. 

The pure Thoracic’s face is widest through the cheek bones and then it slopes slightly up the sides of the forehead and downward to the jay bones. Don’t mistaken this for the pointed chin nor the pointed head, it is simply a sloping of the face up and down from the cheek bones due to the width of the nose area.

The nose of the Thoracic is high and wide because the nose is well developed. This is showed by its length and its high bridge.

Freckles are also a common feature among Thoracics, although you can belong to this type with or without them. Pure Thoracics tend to have pointed hands. The length of the middle finger gives the hand a pointed effect when the fingers are laid together.

The narrow, high-arched feet of the Thoracic make it the most beautiful of all the types’ feet. Thoracics are extremely energetic and their movements are always swift. Their hair-trigger nimbleness gives them the statement of always “poised read to strike.”

Thoracics like using their hands, arms, wrists, limbs and feet alertly and energetically. The movements of this type tend to be more graceful than those of the other types. The term “the springy step” must have been created in order to describe the walk of the Thoracic.

His walk is always more graceful than that of other types. He walks without stumbling – or stepping on the train of his partner’s gown. Just like how they walk, the way a Thoracic sits is also graceful. Although the Thoracic’s excess of energy can give them the appearance of “fidgeting,” the fidget is easy and graceful and not nearly as disturbing as the fidgeting of other types.

The Thoracic is always alert due to the blood that is constantly being pumped at high speeds throughout their veins. Due to this alertness the Thoracic has extremely keen eye and ear senses.

These keen eye senses give him a good sense of color; therefore, his outfits are generally extremely classy. Thoracics love to be the center of attention and giving a show everywhere they go, so they generally flaunt themselves off with the latest trends: hair and attire.


Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East  
            Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <http://www.scribd.com/doc/41132983/Analyze- 

The Alimentive Type: “The Enjoyer” – Emotional and Social Makeup

Alimentives are greatly affected by cold weather. On the first cold days plump men are generally the ones you will see with the most overcoats on. The Alimentive never takes anything too seriously.

He is a great story teller, especially if these stories are anecdotes or personal experiences. Keeping their troubles to themselves, the Alimentive makes it seem as though he has none. Arguing is a pep eave of this type, so he will avoid disagreeing with you.

Of course the Alimentive loves food! Between his three meals the Alimentive generally eats candy, ice cream, popcorn, and fruit. Popcorn and fruit vendors, along with ice cream managers all agree that the “fat people” keep them in business.

The Alimentive must have butter, olive oil, cream, pastry or starches with their meals, or else they will feel as though they are not satisfied at all. The problem is that these are the foods that increase your fatty content a soon as you eat them; hence the reason why Alimentives are fat.

Statistics show that the fatter people die younger than others. Due to this fact, life insurance companies stay away from the Alimentives after they are thirty because they are an unsafe risk. The Alimentive knows he is eating years off of his life at every meal, but he doesn’t care since he is happy while stuffing himself.

Alimentives tend to believe that worrying is useless since life is meant to be enjoyed. This philosophy comes from his predominating system, – the source of his other traits – the alimentary system. One of the most pleasurable acts of life is the eating of delicious foods. The digestion of such food gives one the feelings of serenity and contentment.

Since the Alimentive is always eating tasty foods and almost always digesting something, he never has a chance to become ill natured. Have you ever noticed that anorexics are generally really rude and unsympathetic? That’s because they don’t receive the pleasures of digestion because they don’t eat – or at least they don’t eat anything scrumptious.

Socially, the Alimentive is the most popular type. As the Benedict’s said in their book,

“The life of the party” is the fat man or that pleasing, adaptable, feminine creature, the fat woman."
The party always picks up when the fat one arrive. It’s a social fact. The reason why fat people spend so much time at parties is that they get many more invitations than all the other types of people.

Alimentives enjoy those who take things as they are. They prefer easy-going, hospitable, complacent friends who will always have their hearts and homes open to the Alimentive. They like friends whose minds run on simple, personal things. Their friends have to love food or else the relationship is nonexistent.

Because the Alimentive is lazy and doesn’t like wasting energy, and really disliking someone takes energy; he rarely strongly dislikes anybody. This way of straying away from conflict and not keeping grudges is a reason for some of his great successes in life.

The pure Alimentive will avoid people who discuss universal problems, lecture, and are prone to give lengthy writings and explanations. He calls these kinds of people fanatics, faddists and fools.

He absolutely hates theories, so if you ever find yourself in the presence of an Alimentive it is in your best interest to keep your theories to yourself. Instead of describing theories you have recently heard of, try describing your food.

Diabetes is a common disease amongst this type and sudden organ failure is common because of years of overeating. He is happiest when he is doing nothing aside from eating. He likes everything expensive – like yachts and personal chefs – that will endorse his comfort and quench his food cravings.

The Alimentive will buy all of the comforts that he can afford. He loves leisure and due to his laziness, he is not a strenuous worker. However, his way with people makes it so that people still like him even though he persuades them to do his “heavy work” for him.

Because he hates physical and mental work, the Alimentive is more likely to land himself in occupations that he can direct the work of others instead of doing work himself. He is the master of capitalizing the brain and muscles of other people and letting them work for him.

When Alimentives have little brain power, they land jobs by flattery, usually as an administrator of some sort. Lower mentality Alimentives tend to be excellent butchers, restaurant-keepers, bartenders, saloon keepers, night club owners, bakers, chefs, grocers, or commission merchants.

Due to their ability to get along with others, Alimentives make very successful politicians and bosses. When they are of good brain capacity, they become heads of corporations. If you take the time to look at the millionaires and billionaires of all countries, they are generally of the Alimentive type.

The Alimentive Type: "The Enjoyer" - Physical Makeup

 For this type, their lives revolve around their alimentive system – examples include their stomach, intestines, and alimentary canal. This kind of person is easily spotted, being the roundest of all the types. He is round from every angle. Fat is abundant in his elbows, wrists, knees and shoulders.
Image via chickbud.blogspot.com
The largest part of the body for a man of this type is around the girth, and in women it is around the hips. Alimentives generally have small bones coated with layers and layers of fatty tissue, giving them a softer structure and appearance.

Due to the smallness of the Alimentives’ bones their hands and feet are both small in comparison to the largeness of their body. Another part that is not proportional to their body is their head. The head is small and the neck and lower part of the head are covered with rolls of fat.

The features of this type give them the most childish look of all. Their noses are rounder and shorter, and they have shorter upper lips and fuller mouths. Like all of their features, their eyes are round. Alimentive expressions are the most youthful due to their facial make ups.

Image via chickbud.blogpot.com
 Their hands are round with dimples where their knuckles are. They have round fingers, feet, waists and limbs. Their shoulders are sloping, and their thighs are curving. The calves, wrists and ankles of this type bulge. Due to the increased amount of weight and large body, Alimentives tend to waddle when they walk, though they don’t even realize it. The Alimentive strives for comfort, wearing loose clothing that is typically worn out and shoes that are old to save the time it takes to break in new clothing and shoes.

The physical makeup of the Alimentive revolves around circles. Everything about his body is circular. He appears to look young due to his childish features and he prefers loose, comfortable clothing over tight, fashionable attires.

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora, NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Print.

Analyzing by Sight

Picture via ebookee.org

As Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict stated in their book How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis: The Five Human Types,
“Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands – an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight.”
Did you know that you can figure out someone’s personality type by observing their appearance and a few of their actions? And that by knowing their personality type and what pleases that type you can better your chances of winning them over – possibly getting the job you are interviewing for? It’s as easy as one, two, three, once you know the facts behind each of the five basic personality types: the Alimentive; the Thoracic, the Muscular, the Osseous, and the Cerebral.
The tricky part is that the vast majority of the world’s population is a mixture of two or more of these basic types. Although not many are a clear-cut basic personality type, the signs of each type are so apparent that you will be able to figure out what mixture of types a person is composed of in no time.

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora, NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Print.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Know the Types & Succeed in Life

What one does, what one says, what one likes. How one learns, how one copes, how one feels. These are all determined by a person’s personality type.

By following the information in this blog one will realize that reading someone’s personality is truly as easy as reading a book - maybe even easier. A person’s features can tell practically all about their personality, and if you take a few minutes to see how that person acts, their personality type will become so apparent that you will be dying to scream your sudden realization out to the whole world.

Knowing a person’s personality can be your key to success with that individual; and knowing how to appeal to certain personality types can land you at the top of the social ladder, and even the top of the corporate ladder.

Science and reality both prove that people enjoy the presence of others who are similar to themselves. So by knowing how to make yourself appeal and seem similar to other peoples’ personalities you can easily win them over, possibly creating new friendships, business partnerships or even relationships.

The purpose of this blog is to help you navigate through the complexities of the human brain and to help give you a better understanding of yourself as well as the wave of others you see around you every day. Once you learn what to expect from certain people based on their personality you will need to worry no more of being dragged down and drowned by the surprising undertows people tend to create – you will have already expected it to occur.

The human brain is a very complex organ – a vital one in fact. It controls how we think and remember and what we feel, taste, smell, and even dream. Get to know how your brain works, get to know yourself, and get to know others.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Definition of Personality: What is it?

"Personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development. It embraces every phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has beeen built up in the course of one's life." (Warren & Carmichael, 1930, p. 333)

"Personality is the essence of a human being." (Hall & Lindzey, 1957, p. 9, characterizing statements by Gordon Allport)

"An individual's pattern of psychological processes arising from motives, feelings, thoughts, and other major areas of psychological function. Personality is expressed through its influences on the body, in conscious mental life, and through the individual's social behavior." (Mayer, 2005)