Friday, January 13, 2012

The Definition of Personality: What is it?

"Personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development. It embraces every phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has beeen built up in the course of one's life." (Warren & Carmichael, 1930, p. 333)

"Personality is the essence of a human being." (Hall & Lindzey, 1957, p. 9, characterizing statements by Gordon Allport)

"An individual's pattern of psychological processes arising from motives, feelings, thoughts, and other major areas of psychological function. Personality is expressed through its influences on the body, in conscious mental life, and through the individual's social behavior." (Mayer, 2005)


  1. Personality is such a complex part of us. I am excited to see how you tackle this blog :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I know; it is so complex. I absolutely love it. (: I hope you enjoy this blog! [:
