Monday, January 30, 2012

The Alimentive Type: "The Enjoyer" - Physical Makeup

 For this type, their lives revolve around their alimentive system – examples include their stomach, intestines, and alimentary canal. This kind of person is easily spotted, being the roundest of all the types. He is round from every angle. Fat is abundant in his elbows, wrists, knees and shoulders.
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The largest part of the body for a man of this type is around the girth, and in women it is around the hips. Alimentives generally have small bones coated with layers and layers of fatty tissue, giving them a softer structure and appearance.

Due to the smallness of the Alimentives’ bones their hands and feet are both small in comparison to the largeness of their body. Another part that is not proportional to their body is their head. The head is small and the neck and lower part of the head are covered with rolls of fat.

The features of this type give them the most childish look of all. Their noses are rounder and shorter, and they have shorter upper lips and fuller mouths. Like all of their features, their eyes are round. Alimentive expressions are the most youthful due to their facial make ups.

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 Their hands are round with dimples where their knuckles are. They have round fingers, feet, waists and limbs. Their shoulders are sloping, and their thighs are curving. The calves, wrists and ankles of this type bulge. Due to the increased amount of weight and large body, Alimentives tend to waddle when they walk, though they don’t even realize it. The Alimentive strives for comfort, wearing loose clothing that is typically worn out and shoes that are old to save the time it takes to break in new clothing and shoes.

The physical makeup of the Alimentive revolves around circles. Everything about his body is circular. He appears to look young due to his childish features and he prefers loose, comfortable clothing over tight, fashionable attires.

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora, NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Print.

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