Monday, January 30, 2012

The Alimentive Type: “The Enjoyer” – Emotional and Social Makeup

Alimentives are greatly affected by cold weather. On the first cold days plump men are generally the ones you will see with the most overcoats on. The Alimentive never takes anything too seriously.

He is a great story teller, especially if these stories are anecdotes or personal experiences. Keeping their troubles to themselves, the Alimentive makes it seem as though he has none. Arguing is a pep eave of this type, so he will avoid disagreeing with you.

Of course the Alimentive loves food! Between his three meals the Alimentive generally eats candy, ice cream, popcorn, and fruit. Popcorn and fruit vendors, along with ice cream managers all agree that the “fat people” keep them in business.

The Alimentive must have butter, olive oil, cream, pastry or starches with their meals, or else they will feel as though they are not satisfied at all. The problem is that these are the foods that increase your fatty content a soon as you eat them; hence the reason why Alimentives are fat.

Statistics show that the fatter people die younger than others. Due to this fact, life insurance companies stay away from the Alimentives after they are thirty because they are an unsafe risk. The Alimentive knows he is eating years off of his life at every meal, but he doesn’t care since he is happy while stuffing himself.

Alimentives tend to believe that worrying is useless since life is meant to be enjoyed. This philosophy comes from his predominating system, – the source of his other traits – the alimentary system. One of the most pleasurable acts of life is the eating of delicious foods. The digestion of such food gives one the feelings of serenity and contentment.

Since the Alimentive is always eating tasty foods and almost always digesting something, he never has a chance to become ill natured. Have you ever noticed that anorexics are generally really rude and unsympathetic? That’s because they don’t receive the pleasures of digestion because they don’t eat – or at least they don’t eat anything scrumptious.

Socially, the Alimentive is the most popular type. As the Benedict’s said in their book,

“The life of the party” is the fat man or that pleasing, adaptable, feminine creature, the fat woman."
The party always picks up when the fat one arrive. It’s a social fact. The reason why fat people spend so much time at parties is that they get many more invitations than all the other types of people.

Alimentives enjoy those who take things as they are. They prefer easy-going, hospitable, complacent friends who will always have their hearts and homes open to the Alimentive. They like friends whose minds run on simple, personal things. Their friends have to love food or else the relationship is nonexistent.

Because the Alimentive is lazy and doesn’t like wasting energy, and really disliking someone takes energy; he rarely strongly dislikes anybody. This way of straying away from conflict and not keeping grudges is a reason for some of his great successes in life.

The pure Alimentive will avoid people who discuss universal problems, lecture, and are prone to give lengthy writings and explanations. He calls these kinds of people fanatics, faddists and fools.

He absolutely hates theories, so if you ever find yourself in the presence of an Alimentive it is in your best interest to keep your theories to yourself. Instead of describing theories you have recently heard of, try describing your food.

Diabetes is a common disease amongst this type and sudden organ failure is common because of years of overeating. He is happiest when he is doing nothing aside from eating. He likes everything expensive – like yachts and personal chefs – that will endorse his comfort and quench his food cravings.

The Alimentive will buy all of the comforts that he can afford. He loves leisure and due to his laziness, he is not a strenuous worker. However, his way with people makes it so that people still like him even though he persuades them to do his “heavy work” for him.

Because he hates physical and mental work, the Alimentive is more likely to land himself in occupations that he can direct the work of others instead of doing work himself. He is the master of capitalizing the brain and muscles of other people and letting them work for him.

When Alimentives have little brain power, they land jobs by flattery, usually as an administrator of some sort. Lower mentality Alimentives tend to be excellent butchers, restaurant-keepers, bartenders, saloon keepers, night club owners, bakers, chefs, grocers, or commission merchants.

Due to their ability to get along with others, Alimentives make very successful politicians and bosses. When they are of good brain capacity, they become heads of corporations. If you take the time to look at the millionaires and billionaires of all countries, they are generally of the Alimentive type.

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