Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Osseous Type: “The Stayer” – Emotional and Social Makeup

The Osseous is a pure “againster”. He is against almost everything. One common mental attitude of the extremely raw-boned individual is “I don’t know what it is but I’m against it.” They often, unconsciously, stray away from making decisions until someone makes theirs so they can take the opposing side. This type, their whole life, naturally disagrees with people and stand out against others. Think of when you were in school, or if you are in school think of how school is now “and call to mind the visage and bodily shape of the boy who was always on the opposite side, who just naturally disagree, who 'stood out' against the others. He was a bony lad every time. Remember the 'Fatty' with a face like a full moon? Did he do such things? He did not. He was amenable, easy-going, good natured, and didn’t care how the discussion came out, so long as it didn’t delay the lunch hour. Remember the boy or girl who had the pick of the school for company whenever there was a party, who danced well and was so sparkling that you always felt like a pebble competing against a diamond when they were around? That boy or girl had a high chest, or high color, or a high-bridged nose and usually all three. But the one you couldn’t persuade, who couldn’t be won over, who refused to give in, who held up all the unanimous votes till everybody was disgusted with him, and who rather gloried in the distinction that boy had big bones and a square jaw the proof that he was a combination of the Osseous and Muscular types.”

The bony people have always kept the rest of the world from running away with its self, to prevent unreasonable changes in law, customs and traditions. Osseous people are hardly ever over-persuaded, and are able to keep a perpendicular position while the rest of the world is constantly swayed each way; so they act as “society’s balance wheel.” After much persuasion the Osseous may change, but by the time he changes the world has moved on to something new that he can disagree with.

As the title states, the Osseous is a “stayer” and this word applies to everything he wears, thinks, says, believes, and to the way he carries on every single activity of his long life. It doesn’t matter how rich he becomes, he will not buy a new car every year, or a new house. He uses his money to keep up his type-habits and to give freer rein to them, no to change these habits to any extent. Osseous people love sameness. “He likes to ‘get acquainted’ with a thing.” He is the most conservative of all types. He avoids extremes in everything, unlike the Thoracic, and avoids everything that savors the “showy” or conspicuous.

Since the Osseous dislikes displaying himself, refuses to open himself to new fangled fashions of “polite society” and finds it extremely hard to adapt himself to people, a person of this type is rarely a social success. “He is the least of a ‘ladies’ man’ of all the types. The Osseous woman is even less disposed to social life than the Osseous man because the business and professional demands, which compel men of this type to mingle with their fellows, are less urgent with her.”

Just like everything about this type, he seldom changes the style of food he fancies. He will rarely order anything new at a restaurant and will constantly eat the foods that have been his favorites for the past twenty years.

When an Osseous says something, he means it. He is the least likely of all the type to flatter or praise someone. Even when he wants to, it is hard for him to get the words out of his mouth. So, when he does give out a compliment or two, know that he means it. He is a man of very few words and his bones seem extremely large for his body.

Osseous people are never lavish with anything. They hate wasting and throwing things away, which makes this type of people the kind you will typically see on hoarding shows. They save and store things away for years in hopes that they may find some use for it someday in the future.

Bony people tend to fear the future and what is to become of them. They constantly think of how their actions will affect how their life turns out. They are extremely loyal to the few friends that they have and because of their fear of the future they tend to plan ahead to limit the chance of a failing in their future. 

The people that the Osseous type dislikes are those who try to “speed him up, hurry him, or make him changes his habits.” People who are flashy in appearance irritate him. Try to dictate him and he is sure to hate you the most out of anyone he knows. You cannot dictate this type and the only way to manage him is to let him think he is having his own way. Bony people like those who are amenable and will never interfere with him, but will agree to his plans, desires and eccentricities.

Bony people are most susceptible to moodiness, fear, – especially financial fear – long-sustained hatreds and resentments, and lack of change. These characteristics tend to be indirectly responsible for those diseases that will bring about the end of the Osseous’ life. The Osseous tends to succeed the most in farming, stock-raising, and other pioneer vocations. They do not get along well with people and cannot be dictate, nor be dictated by others. If a person is both Osseous and Cerebral, they are destined to be a powerful boss. Other than this combinations, they are typically drivers, “incurring the hostility of subordinates.”

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>
Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <>.

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