Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Cerebral Type: "The Thinker" – Physical Makeup

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The latest and last stage in human evolution was the development of the brain and nervous system. In those whom the nervous system is more highly developed than any other are Cerebrals. The brain and nerves are contained in this system and the name comes from the cerebrum or thinking part of the brain. All voluntary processes take place in the cerebrum, or brain, and so do meditation, imagining, dreaming, visualizing. The headquarters of the nervous system is the brain. Just like the stomach is the home office of the Alimentive system and the heart and lungs the home office of the Thoracic, the brain is the home office of the Cerebral.

Our first impression of the people of this type is that they are frail and delicate. The features of the Cerebral are more refined and more sensitive than those of the other four types. Sensitivity seems to be the keynote of the mental type, and their instinct to think characterizes them. What they wish to do in life is to be left alone to think, imagine, dream, plan and read. One of their strongest points is that unlike feeling as the other types do, the Cerebral thinks.  They keep track of their time, and tend to be ahead. In the world of ideas they are ahead and they tend to create the world’s ideals. Their impracticality is their weakest point.

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The front face and head of the Cerebral is based on the triangle geometrical figure. For the pure Cerebral, a triangle is what you are reminded of when you look at his head from the side because his head stands on a small, delicate neck, and his forehead stands out at the top, while the back of his head is long. The widest part of his head is nearer to the top than in other types.

The Cerebral’s hands are thin, delicate, and larger than average. Their fingers have long been known as smooth. These should not be confused with the “fat, pudgy babyish fingers of the Alimentive,” because the smoothness of the Cerebral’s is defined that the outlines of the fingers run straight up and down. The joints of the Cerebral fingers mark the widest spots on the fingers and the spaces between the joints are sunken.

Thoracic fingers are pointed like their heads, while Musuclar’s fingers are square at the end and look powerful, because they are. The Cerebral has fingers different then both of these. There isn’t any fat to make them pudgy and no muscle is present to make them firm. There aren’t large joints to make them knotty looking. Due to not being any of the above, their outlines run in almost straight lines and their whole hand gives off a more frail and aesthetic appearance. They also tend to be shorter than the average human.

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>
Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <>.

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