Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Muscular Type: "The Worker" - Physical Makeup

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The extreme Muscular type is short and stocky; generally, he is below medium height. Whereas everything about the Alimentive’s body revolved around circles, everything about the Muscular’s revolves around squares. Extreme Musculars are heavier than the average, due to muscle. He has a standing firm appearance, and always looks strong.

The shoulders of the Muscular are square, stand out at right angles and are much broader in proportion to his height. Arms of a pure Muscular are long in proportion to his body. His arms range from slightly to much longer than his height would make you think.
Your first sight at a pure Muscular would lead you to thinking “square head.” Unlike the other types, his head is of average proportions.

The thick neck of the Muscular is a very distinctive feature. His neck has unusual amounts of muscles and strength. This strong, sturdy neck of his is a key indicator of the Muscular’s strength. The frail neck is “a sign of the physical frailty which endangers life,” where as the thick neck is one of the greatest indications of physical power. The Muscular’s thick neck can sometimes give people the impression that his head is small, but by looking carefully you will see that the head is normal for the size of his body.

As does the rest of his body, the Muscular’s face gives one the impression of a square. The side of his head, cheeks and jaw run up and down in a way that gives his face right angles.  
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It comes to no surprise that the Muscular’s jaw is also square. His jaw is very broad and if you look at him from the front you can see that the jaw bones, “as they proceed downward under the ear,” generally make a “right-angled turn at the corners instead of a rounded curve.” This structure gives the bottom half of the Muscular’s face a box-like appearance, which is considered becoming to men but takes away the delicateness a pointed chin gives in woman.

If you ever thought that a hand is just a hand, you thought wrong. The hand can tell us much about a person’s personality. The Muscular hand is built in a serious of squares, as is the rest of his body. The hand runs from the wrist and down in a more straight line and tends to create right angles. The fingers are “spatulate fingers” – square or paddle-shaped at the tips. What this means is that the fingertips seem to be sawed off so that they look square instead of parabolic.
Hands of all famous craftsmen, pianists, sculptors and painters, is always larger and heavier than the average person’s.

The people of the Muscular type are the manual workers of the world: artisans, craftsmen, constructors and builders. Each of us tends to use our largest and most highly developed organs or body parts. Since the Muscular’s hands are the thickest of all, – their hands have more muscle – they use them and excel the most with them. Their hands are so powerful that they do not tire easily, so it makes perfect sense that the Muscular’s do the world’s manual work.

The hand must perfectly execute what the brains plans for it to do in order to create art. The Muscular’s hand and brain – hand interaction helps him to create beauty with his hands and almost always create the final product his mind pictures. A muscular mixed with the fifth type (the Cerebral type) makes the perfect hand artist, while a person who is a combination of the Muscular and Thoracic types is generally a singer.

Everything the Muscular does screams forcefulness; even the simplest tasks such as sharpening a pencil receive the Muscular’s full force. His walk is heavy, powerful, and he has forceful strides. The force his walk has makes it always seems as though he is about to run a marathon. Because of his heavy steps you hear him before you see him. Muscular’s are so accustomed to this that they don’t even realize they are making any noise.

The Muscular has the loudest voice of all the types and it is extremely hard for him to “tone it down.” This loud voice tends to be a huge social handicap to him. Most judges, priests and public speakers are largely of the Muscular type.

Just like his solid walk, the Muscular has a solid way of sitting. He doesn’t spill over his chair like the Alimentive nor does he gracefully sit like the Thoracic, he simply plunks himself down as though he has business to take care of.


Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>
Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <>.

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