Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Muscular Type: “The Worker” – Emotional and Social Makeup

Since he is built for it, the Muscular is the most active out of all of the types. Musculars are fitted with the best exercising equipment of any type and unconsciously lives a life whose main reactions express these things. No matter what he is doing, working or playing, the Muscular makes more moves during the course of his day than any other type because his muscles are equipped for immense action and urge him to move.

The worst thing to do to a Muscular is confine him. This completely destroys him and causes him to become restless, nervous and ill. The Muscular dislikes ease except for on the rare occasion when he is completely exhausted. Even when exhausted, it is hard to stop him from being active.

Musculars tend to accomplish tasks in the shortest and surest ways. He is not fussy, but he does insist on things being done efficiently, so he generally does them himself so he can acquire the quality he desires. “He is not an easy man to work for, but quick to reward merit.”

Musculars like and tend to have fair bank accounts and give their children a worthwhile training for success throughout their childhoods. They are not inclined to spoil their children, but Musculars do provide well for their children and teach them that hard work is the key to success. Musculars will plan for their children’s education years in advance, so finances are never a problem when their children are going off to college. Because of the way they are brought up, children of this type are prepared to make a living, at a young age, if they have to.

What the Muscular tends to want are the necessities of life. Whereas the Alimentive wants the comforts and the Thoracic wants the unusual, the Muscular simply demands the essentials and will work his hardest for them.

The Muscular truly puts his heart and soul into everything he does. None of his actions are made half-heartedly. The Muscular is an enthusiast because he is best equipped to be one. His enthusiasm burns his way to the things he wants in life.

Musculars are extremely plain talkers. “But he means what he tells you, no more, and usually not much less. He avoids long words and complicated phrases even when well educated and speaks with directness and decisiveness.”

He cannot stand the superfluous and the superficial. He takes the shortest roads in life and prefers plain people, like himself. He immensely enjoys his friends, but does not have as large a number of the as the Thoracic does, nor does he have as many “bowing acquaintances” as the Alimentive.

Everyone hates snobs, but the Muscular hates them the most. Due to his democratic nature and the way his lives his life in such commonplace lines, he has absolutely no patience whatsoever with people who truly think they are better than everyone else. Musculars love putting down snobs whenever they try their “high and mighty airs on him.” Being so democratic, the Muscular naturally defends the underdog. This is the reason why the Muscular type is generally the type of people that are in radical groups.

The Muscular is typically on the warpath with someone. When he becomes angry his first action is to confront the person he is angry with. He is known for saying atrocious things and over-exaggerating his grievances. Musculars tend to frequently be in quarrels with their friends, and since he cannot recover quickly from anger like the Thoracic, he usually loses these friends for life.

However, when Musculars like you they “are the most abandoned in their generosity of all the types. They ‘go the limit’ for you, as the Westerner says, and they go it with their money, time, love and enthusiasm.” All types do this for short periods of times and for close friends.

If you ever disappoint a Muscular in any way he won’t overlook it easily. He finds it the hardest to forgive those who take advantage of the generosity he so willingly and lavishly extends to all. “With all his own giving to others he seldom takes much from others."

Musculars like clothing that is built to last; something durable. They tend to lean towards the clothing composed of heavier materials, unlike the Alimentive who goes for comfort and the Thoracic who goes for the eye popping ones. He likes his materials to be top notch, but he could care less about coloring. “Quality rather than style and plainness rather than prettiness are his standards in dress.” In complete honesty, he is a plain dresser.

Musculars are built to stand on their own legs and that is exactly what they do: they are naturally independent. He hardly every finds it necessary to ask for the help of others.

Musculars tend to favor the plain foods; and large quantities of them. The favorite diet of the average American Muscular tends to be meat and potatoes. “He is so fond of meat it is practically impossible for him to confine himself to a vegetable diet.”

Key Points of a Muscular:

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>
Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <>.

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