Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to Determine Which Type Predominates in a Person

Determine which type PREDOMINATES in a person. If there is any doubt in your mind about this do these four things:

  • 1st. - Note the body-build of the person — which one of the five body types does he most resemble? (In doing this it will aid you if you will note whether fat, bone or muscle predominates in his bodily structure.)
  • 2nd. - Decide which of the five typical faces his face is most similar to.
  • 3rd. - Decide which of the five typical hands his hands are most similar to.
  • 4th. - If you are still not sure, note his voice, gestures and movements and they will lead you to figure out which type comes first and which comes second in the person

copied from

Benedict, Elsie Lincoln., and Ralph Paine Benedict. How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types,. East Aurora NY: Printed and Bound by the Roycrofters, 1921. Scribd. 4 Dec. 2009. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. <>

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