Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fair-Haired Type

Carrie Underwood
·         Energetic
·         Daring
·         Courageous
·         Alert
·         Hustler
·         Ambitious
·         Dynamic
·         Optimistic and hopeful
·         Eager and fearless
·         Speculative
·         Impatient and restless

What They Enjoy
·         Fond of physical and mental activity
·         Love variety and change in interest and activities
·         Like new problems, seeing new places, meeting people and doing original, creative work.
·         Like excitement, crowds and gaiety
·         Love athletics rather than studying

What They Hate
·         Hate confinement and restraint, detail, and monotony and routine.

Their Body and How They Think
·         Bodily processes tend to be positive, active and vigorous.
·         Intellect naturally creative, resourceful, inventive and original.
·         Love to rule, handle and manage affairs

They Excel
·         Push into the limelight
·         Engage in politics
·         Promote and built up great enterprises
·         Usually good at selling, advertising, organizing, colonizing, inventing and creating.
·         Prefer authorship, construction and engineering, exploration, fishing, hunting, forestry, public work, journalism, law, politics, the stage, and being the boss in places free of routine.

Where They Fail
·         Often take themselves too far physically.
·         Often too changeable, scattering and irresponsible, making them not dependable.
·         May mercilessly drive other people.
·         Liable to extremes of dissipation.
·         Excess sunlight stimulates, then irritates, then exhaust, and finally kills many fair-haired people.

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <>.

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