Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Multiple Personality Disorder Video: The Guinea Pig of the Disorder

If this does not blow your mind, then something is wrong with you. The interviewee is Chris Costner Sizemore, a woman whose 
See Links Below for Rest of Interview:

Sizemore, Chris Costner. "Multiple Personality Disorder on HardTalk 1 of 3." Interview by BBC. Youtube. 16 Jan. 2011. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTvr2fDBjmg>.

Book Review: A Must Read.

Image from scribd.com
As you all have probably noticed, my two sources for practically all of my posts have been two online books: The Mental Highway by Thomas P. Boyd, and How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict. Both of these books are fairly old, from the early 1900’s. Despite their old age the information in each book has been proved accurate in modern day observations and testing.
Analyzing by sight is not something that is very likely to change, so these books are just as good, if not better, than any newer editions that say the same things in a more modern style. It takes some work at first (mostly memorization of the different features), but after you have the memorization of the different types, the best way to see if the information is true is to go and test it and see for yourself.
When I first read How to Analyze People on Sight through the Science of Human Analysis; the Five Human Types I was skeptical of the information they gave.  I constantly thought to myself, “This can’t be true! Your body can’t give your personality away that easily!” However, after finishing the book I memorized the different types and the physical appearance that came with certain personality types and I began to realize that it really was that easy! I started analyzing everyone around me – friends, family, teachers and even new acquaintances.
At first, I wasn’t so sure what I would get out of the book aside from pure enjoyment and satisfying my cravings for learning more on psychology; but then as I was reading I realized that if the information were true my social life would be greatly benefited and I would be able to better understand those around me – even those I strongly dislike.
The truth is that this book has helped me tremendously with my social skills and dealing with different types of people. Before this book I was very short with people who had personalities I found unappealing, but now I can better understand these people and have been able to better deal with them. I definitely suggest this book to the whole world to read, especially those interested in personality and psychology. It truly can be your key to success in social and business life if you use its information to your advantage. The facts are there, so go ingest them and start analyzing!

The book can be found online, for free, at the link below:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Profiles: Concave Upper-Convex Lower

·         Reverse marks of the Convex Upper-Concave Lower

·         Slowness of thought
·         Impractical
·         Quickness of speech
·         Excitable
·         Good intellect
·         Moderate energy
·         Impulsive
·         Skillful
·         Rapid in carrying out a plan
·         Physically frail

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html.

Profiles: Convex Upper-Concave Lower

·         Eyebrows
o   Prominent
o   Sloping backward as they rise
·         Eyes
o   Full
o   Prominent
·         Nose
o   Long
o   High in bridge
o   Curving outward
·         Concave mouth
·         Concave chin

·         Thinks before he acts
·         Quickness of though
·         Keen observation
·         Practicality
·         Command of language
·         Abundant energy
·         Patience
·         Good nature
·         Deliberate
·         Determined
·         Good physical equipment

Where Found
·         Everywhere among
o   Leaders
o   Executives
o   Rulers
o   Businessmen and women
o   Professionals
o   Politicians
o   Artists
o   Practical people

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html.

Profiles: Plane

·         Forehead equally prominent at brows and top
·         Eyes neither protruding nor deep set
·         Nose
o   Moderate in length
o   Straight
·         Mouth
o   Neither in nor out
o   Straight up and down in the profile
·         Chin
o   Neither protruding nor receding
o   Shows a vertical line in profile

·         Balanced in
o   Action
o   Thought
o   Speech
·         Good judgment
·         Great capacity for
o   Thought
o   Action

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html>.

Profiles: Concave - “The Thinkers”

·         Prominent forehead above the brows and flat at the brows
·         Chin prominent at point, slopes inward towards the lips
·         Eyes are deep-set
·         Nose
o   Short
o   Low in the bridge
o   Curves inward from root to tip
·         Mouth recedes

·         Slowness of
o   Action
o   Though
o   Speech
·         Great endurance
·         Interested in theories
·         Meditative
·         Absent minded
·         Philosophizes about everything
·         Mild
·         Moderate energy
·         Patient
·         Determined
·         Impractical
·         Staunch
·         Dependable

They Are
·         Calm
·         Deliberate
·         Good natured
·         Theoretical

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html.

Profiles: Convex - "The Workers"

·         Prominent forehead at brows, sloping back as it rises
·         Eyes full and prominent
·         Nose
o   Long
o   High in the bridge
o   Curves outward from root to tip
·         Mouth
o   Prominent
o   Lips pushed outward
o   Chin receding (slopes backward toward the throat)

·         Quickness of thought and action
·         Practical
·         Keen observer
·         Interested in facts
·         Ready in speech
·         Energetic
·         Impatient
·         Impulsive
·         Short endurance

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html>.


The third class of character signs is in a person’s profile. There are three main types of profiles: concave(1), convex(2) and plane(3), and two combination ones, convex upper-concave lower(4), and concave upper-convex lower(5).

The Five Profiles

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html.

Dark-Haired Type

Selena Gomez
·         Enduring
·         Intense
·         Imitative
·         Fond of detail
·         Spiritual and Meditative
·         Persistent and Constant
·         Patient
·         Dependable
·         Slow to anger
·         Conservative
·         Meticulous
·         Less aggressive than fair-haired but more inclined to revenge

Inclined and Tend to
·         Adapt
·         Improve upon and apply already existing ideas
·         Don’t always come up with entirely original work
·         Think and provide philosophies
·         Be Pessimistic
·         Concentrate and Specialize
·         Introspection
·         Develop philosophy, religion, mystery, metaphysical and spiritual activity.

·         Not as active as fair-haired
·         Bodily functions not as positive, or rapid
·         Not as vigorously physical as fair-haired
·         Have greater physical endurance than fair-haired
·         Excel in all situations calling for endurance, sympathy, painstaking and plodding

·         Only a few friends and cementing these friendships
·         Quite home
·         Affection and beauties of nature
·         Business buildings
·         Calling same customers and selling same goods
·         Establishing trade
·         Agriculture
·         Anything involving patience
·         Specialization and studying
·         Isolation

Do Well In
·         Service rendering jobs:
o   Art
o   Authorship
o   Medicine
o   Ministry and Theology
o   Music
o   Personal service
o   Research
o   Social service statistics
o   Journalism
o   Law
o   Manufacturing
o   Merchandising
o   Administration
o   Detail work
o   Endurance:
§  Long races
§  Prize fighting
§  Auto racing

Boyd, Thomas P. "PsiTek - The Mental Highway - FREE." PsiTek - FREE Metaphysical Books. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. <http://www.psitek.net/pages/PsiTek-the-mental-highway-Contents.html>.